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Devi Taulina Wati
Siti Zubaidah
Susriyati Mahanal



Based on our observation and discussion with the head master and science teacher of MIWH III Malang, we found some problems in science class V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Wadih Hasyim III (MIWH III) Malang, the science teaching and learning was still content-based, students activities were very limited, and most of the students’ ability to think was still low. Therefore, in this research we try to solve the problems by classroom action research in two cycles, each cycle consists of four phases, these are planning of action, doing the action observation, and reflection. The research subject was student at science class V MIWH III Malang, consisting of 14 students. The result of this research showed that applying of inquiry-based and reciprocal teaching methods can improve the student ability to think and learning activites at science class V MIWH III Malang.

Keywords: Inquiry, reciprocal teaching, ability to think, students activity

Download Penerapan Metode Inkuiri Dipadu Dengan Reciprocal Teaching Pada Mata Pelajaran Sains Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Dan Aktivitas Siswa Kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Wahid Hasyim III Malang disini.

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