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Winarno Agung


Along with the growing importance of the role of entrepreneurs in Indonesia’s economy, the entrepreneurial aspects is constantly trying to implement for the students, begining at primary education to higher education. On the level of higher education has now designed a culture of entrepreneurship development programs for both academic programs, professional and / or vocational. This Research in­cludes casualties studies and also comparation, because its used to lest the effect of the variables, as well as a test of two different samples that are samples of academic programs and vocational programs by using different test (t test). The results showed that the intention of entrepreneurship of students academic and vocational programs has not been ideal and entrepreneurial learning during lectures either vocational or academic programs do not much contribute to the formation of entrepreneurial intentions of students. Entrepreneurial intentions of student’s academic and vocational programs are more influenced by person­ality characteristics, and entrepreneurial learning through lectures and social networks do not contribute to the formation of entrepreneurial student s intentions

Keywords: Entrepreneurial intention, Personality Characteristics, Learning, Social Networking

Artikel diatas dimuat dalamJurnal Ekonomi Bisnis, ISSN: 0853-7283, Tahun 17 Nomor 1, Maret 2012, Penerbit Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi UniversitasNegeri Malang, Halaman 67-78, kunjungi: http://journal.um.ac.id/index.php/ekobis/index

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