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Suparti, Heri Pratikto, Ely Siswanto
Faculty of Economics, State University of Malang

Abstract: This research aims to develop a model of Islamic Cooperation as an effort to increase student entrepreneurs on campus of State University of Malang. Through casebased qualitative approach, it seeks to explore Islamic cooperation model applied in Islamic Cooperation of UGT Pasuruan, Center Cooperationof Islamic Jakarta and condition of Student Cooperationat State University of Malang. Based on the SWOT analysis it can be concluded that from either institutional perspective or business field, it is possible to develope a Islamic-based cooperation model to be disseminated in Student Cooperation in the campus of State University of Malang.

Key Words: Model, Cooperation, Islamic

Artikel diatas dipublikasikan dalam Proceeding International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHSS) Vol. 1 (2016).

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